Friday, July 11, 2008

Hey guys, Just want to say hi,

Dad and I went to Jean's and fixed her oven today. She was so excited. They bought it 45 years ago when they moved out here and she has never had to repair anything till the heating element went out about a year ago. She and several others have been trying to find a part for this model but they just don't make them anymore. So she was willing to let us try. I told her Dad could fix anything. We checked on the internet and found just what the others had found that they had stopped making parts for this stove. So Dad took the numbers and the element to park view and they did some checking and finally after several attempts came up with one almost like it. So today we took the tools Dad thought he would need and tried our luck and it worked. I think Jean is still a little bit in shock but I hope she will enjoy having her oven so she can make all the pies she wants. She is the best cook, so now she can use her oven again and do all the fun things she enjoys. We told them we were selling the cows and Max said he had a dream that Dad and I went on a mission. He said now you can go. I was so surprised, I thought wow I guess we really are suppose to go if Max said he knew that was what we were to do. So one day probably not so far away we will let you all know how that turns out but for now we will serve the best we can on this one and hope we will be better prepared when we get to go further away. Have a nice evening and be good. Read your scriptures, say your prayer, write in your journals and don't forget to brush your teeth. One day you will be glad you did. trust me on this one.


Anonymous said...

Mama, great posts lately, it's good to see what you kids are up to these days! I'm glad dad could fix Jean's oven, she's been talking about wanting that fixed for a while now, way to go dad!!! Happy Birthday as well DAD!!!

Laurie said...

Way to go Dad! And shocking about Max's dream. I'd not wait around on that one.

Debbie said...

Waiting for pictures.